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I have been using the Onzow Zerodust for my stylus cleaning for quite a few years now. It has worked well for me, but when I saw another option out there it was a good chance for me to give it a shot.
I honestly can recommend both these products equally. They both perform exactly as described in the listings on Amazon, and there are only a couple differences which I will address quickly.
The Onzow has a built in magnifier to inspect your stylus. This is great if you don’t have any other way to do this. I recently started using a electric microscope to inspect mine on a regular basis. The AT617a does not include a magnification feature.

The AT617a is a touch smaller than the Onzow and I prefer this for one main reason. There is less chance to bump the stylus incorrectly when trying to touch it to the cleaning surface.
Other than those two differences they are basically the same product. Both items are from reputable companies and offer excellent value for the money. I used my Onzow for 3 years and would just rinse off the tacky cleaning surface then it was almost as good as new. So far the AT617a has been the same, after a quick rinse it returns to it’s original state.